Simultaneous activity -
- From the team lists (info click here) CALCULATE quantities of Leagues/ Divisions/ Teams/ (number of times teams play each other).
- SET UP League Planner. It is usually worth copying through data from the previous Winter or Summer season as applicable. For instructions on using League Planner, click here. It will require -
- Season start/end dates.
- Quantities of leagues, with a unique letter identifier for each league.
- Quantities of divs in a league.
- Quantities of teams in a div.
- Quantity of times teams play each other within a div.
- Rink time/day slots when each league is to run, including overspills.
- Exceptions list (info click here).
- TRIAL RUN League Planner - trial, test, dummy runs, what-ifs, etc.
- DO LEAGUE PLANS - run League Planner for all leagues.
- DO SEASON PLAN When ready,
- Complete upto and including Season Plan stage 4.
- Make "by hand" modifications to season plan if necessary.
TEAM LISTS (info click here) -
The quantities of Leagues/ Divisions/ Teams are essential data for League Planner, and cannot be changed once the league and season calulations have begun, but not the quantity of members in a team and their names.
League Planner can complete much of its work without details of the quantity of members in a team and their names. That information is only used for the Captains Sheets, handbook and web output in the very final stages of the Season fixtures calculation.
This means that changes to team memberships can be made right through until para 6 below.
- LEAGUE PLANNER - For istructions on using League Planner, click here. Insert team data in Season Plan Stage 5.
- Season Plan Stage 6 - PREPARE AND ISSUE OUTPUT DATA for handbook, noticeboard and issue to teams -
- Season Plan.
- Daily Fixture Booking List.
- Captain’s Sheets.
- Team Lists.
- Season Plan Stage 7 - OUTPUT DATA TO WEB -
REMEMBER that changing the data at any point, for -
- Season start/end dates.
- Quantities of leagues.
- Quantities of divs in a league.
- Quantities of teams in a div.
- Quantity of times teams play each other within a div.
- Rink time/day slots when each league is to run, including overspills.
- Exceptions list.
will be a major mod to the League Planner setup and require a TOTAL RE-RUN OF ALL LEAGUE AND SEASON CALCULATIONS for the season.
Return to THE PLAN -
click here.